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Results from This Site: 1 - 10 of 56 total results for Munich
  • supporters of the Nazi Party parade through the streets of Munich during the first annual Party Day rally. The NSDAP did not create a formal youth organization until 1926. Photo: Ullstein Bilderdienst
  • Party at a meeting in Munich on February 24, 1920. Photo: Bilderdienst SYddeutscher Verlag While World War I and its immediate aftermath gave Hitler's antisemitism its distinctively virulent form,
  • forgotten editors and reporters at the Munich Post--Martin Gruber, Erhard Auer, Edmund Goldschagg, and Julius Zerfass among them--used a savvy combination of investigative and tabloid styles to expose
  • This portion of The Eternal Jew exhibition held in Munich shows representations of stereotypical "Jewish" facial features. The Jew was characterized by a large hooked nose, enormous lips, and sloping
  • Upon his return to London following the Munich Conference, Neville Chamberlain declared that he had secured "peace in our time." Chamberlain began his speech by saying that he had just concluded a series
  • the region of Bavaria--and in particular Munich, its chief city--not only was affected by economic instability in 1923 but was also a place where plans to restore order by revolutionary means were under
  • 1943: The anti-Nazi White Rose activities in Munich, Germany, culminate in the arrest of University of Munich students (and brother and sister) Hans and Sophie Scholl; See February 22, 1943. February
  • old Christian medical student at the University of Munich, formed the White Rose resistance group with his 22-year-old sister, Sophie (pictured), in 1942. The pair's goal was to create anti-Nazi pamphlets
  • In Nazi circles, the Munich Post became known as the "Poison Kitchen." Prior to the Nazi takeover in 1933, "the Hitler Party" tried to silence the Post with libel suits and death threats against its staff.
  • degenerate art" opened in Munich. Ordered by Hitler himself, this exhibition denigrated innovative art, including many works by Jewish artists. The Nazis eventually destroyed some of this art, but much

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