Di fronte alle immagini tridimensionali di Jumper e Jackson, Tamburelli rimane perplesso: a suo modo di vedere, il rilievo del volto evidenzia i dettagli in misura inferiore di quanto osservabile
Ron London, Eric Jumper, John Jackson, Bob Dinegar, Joe Accetta and Don Janney. The document represents some technical remarks by Diane Soran, STURP team member from Los Alamos National Laboratory with
Ron London, Eric Jumper, John Jackson, Bob Dinegar, Joe Accetta and Don Janney. The document represents some technical remarks by Diane Soran, STURP team member from Los Alamos National Laboratory with
Ron London, Eric Jumper, John Jackson, Bob Dinegar, Joe Accetta and Don Janney. I believe this is a truly important historical document and am very pleased to share it with you. Posted November 22, 2021
compelling and that was the reason that urged Jackson and Jumper to continue the 13 Cf La Lettre D’Yves Delage dans La Revue Scientifique, p 29. 14 Cf The Three dimensional image on Jesus’ Burial
spinsero Jackson e Jumper a continuare le indagini formando il gruppo di ricerca di alto livello denominato Shroud of Turin Research Project, STURP, di cui il Professor Barrie Schwortz ha avuto l’
London, with Drs. Jackson, Jumper, Frei, and McCrone among the speakers, also Frs. Rinaldi and Otterbein, Monsignor Ricci, and Don Coero-Borga. January 20, 1978: Anastasio Ballestrero, the new Archbishop
and verified the calibration. I then trained Jumper and Jackson in the operation of the system. What happened next was extraordinary to me. The results were, to say the least, “unique”. Schumacher
Delante de las imágenes tridimensionales de Jumper y Jackson, Tamburelli queda pellejo: a su manera de ver, el releve del rostro evidencia detalles en mesura inferior de lo observable sobre la fotografía
It should also be recalled that Drs. Jackson and Jumper, in measuring the Shroud image's relative densities, with a microdensitometer, came to the conclusion that there had been a direct contact between