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 Questions About Life and God

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Search Results: 1 - 10 of 109 total results for JESUS
  • Find God Who Was Jesus? A quick look at the life of Jesus Christ, from the Bible. By EveryStudent.com Listen to article The following gives you a quick look at the life of Jesus Christ. These are
  • Spiritual Qs Why Did Jesus Die? Here’s what Jesus’ death and resurrection, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, was all about… By EveryStudent.com Listen to article Jesus Christ’s death by crucifixion
  • Find God Beyond Blind Faith Jesus is honored in every major religion. See what Jesus says he offers us. Here's a brief summary of his life and words… By Paul E. Little Listen to article It is
  • Spiritual Qs Jesus and Islam Here are six questions that followers of Islam, and others, often ask about Jesus... By EveryStudent.com This article will be a very respectful presentation to anyone
  • Spiritual Qs Did Jesus Ever Say He was God? What did Jesus say about himself? Did he ever say he was God? See for yourself… By EveryStudent.com Others were convinced that Jesus was God: Paul:
  • What Happened to the Early Disciples of Jesus? Speaking out about Jesus meant the disciples risked being tortured, even killed. Why didn't they keep silent? Each of the 12 apostles left families and
  • Relationships The Truth About Jesus Looking at African-American history, is Jesus still relevant for African Americans today? By Dr. Charles Gilmer Devotion to Jesus has been a large part of the
  • Spiritual Qs The Politics of Jesus Each country has its own political debates. How did Jesus Christ deal with politics? What do we know about the political views of Jesus? See this… By Marilyn Adamson
  • Spiritual Qs Were the Miracles of Jesus Real? Were the miracles of Jesus merely tricks to fool people into believing he was God? How can we know? See this… By EveryStudent.com Miracles display
  • Spiritual Qs How Do We Know Jesus Ever Really Lived? Q: "Are there any historical writings, other than the Bible, that prove that Jesus ever really lived?" Yes. Cornelius Tacitus (A.D. 55-120) was