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Search Results: 71 - 80 of 111 total results for JESUS
  • Martin Luther King recommended faith in Jesus of Nazareth as antidotes for both maladies. "Evil can be cast out, not by man alone nor by a dictatorial God who invades our lives, but when we open the
  • He introduced himself and began to tell me that Jesus Christ loved me and wanted to forgive me. Although I knew he meant well, I mocked him because I did not think that God would ever forgive me or that
  • More specifically, when I asked Jesus Christ into my life. Jesus Christ said, "He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."1 Those words came true in my life.
  • discovered during my search that in the Bible one of Jesus’ followers asked Him an interesting question. His follower wanted to know how many times we are expected to forgive our enemies. He wondered
  • Jesus Christ, unique among all religious leaders of history, claimed to be such a "fifth man," a definitive revelation of God. Many of the people who watched Jesus' miracles and heard him speak were offended
  • has touched our world in a person known as Jesus Christ. Jesus claimed to be God1, said that to see him was to see God2, said that he was the only person who had come directly from God to our world3,
  • Find out more about Jesus and what he offers you. See Beyond Blind Faith. Video transcript: You. Look at your eyes. Look at them. Speckled. Colorful. Each one unique. And I created every one of them.
  • across everystudent.com through a Google search on Jesus. His name was not new to me, but I was ready to know who He was/is, and what makes Him the cornerstone of the Christian faith. For the first time,
  • do you want me to pray for you so that Jesus can take the pain out of your heart? He put his hand on my shoulder and started to pray. It was as if the God of the universe showed up right in front of me.
  • Jesus said of Satan, "He was a murderer from the beginning … there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."8 The contrast between