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 Questions About Life and God

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Search Results: 21 - 30 of 111 total results for JESUS
  • Eternal life is a relationship with Jesus that starts now and continues for all eternity, beyond the death of our physical bodies. It hinges on believing in Jesus. That means believing that Jesus is God,
  • you'll see only one group that consistently angered Jesus … the religious self-righteous. Jesus seemed comfortable around everyone else, including prostitutes and criminals. However, the religious
  • personal story from a woman raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints… By Lisa Brockman Gary and I were dating. As a Mormon, I wasn’t supposed to date non-Mormons. And Gary, a born-
  • Jesus Christ invites us, “Come to me… he who comes to me will never thirst. Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” “He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the
  • Spiritual Qs Jesus and Islam The top 6 questions Muslims ask about Jesus… Does God Answer Our Prayers? What does it take for God to answer prayers? Why Did Jesus Die? See why Jesus received the
  • I had some knowledge of God and Jesus which was mostly superficial. I wanted something deeper, more experiential. I never fit in during my high school years. Being someone who wrote poetry, being in an
  • Why rules and religion can sometimes keep us from Jesus. Connecting with the Divine Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, New age, Christianity - same God? Quiz - What is Your Real Religion? Find out quickly
  • Beyond Blind Faith Is Jesus God? Brief article gives you these reasons to believe… Free Email Series: Knowing God Better Curious what God has to say about life? Scientific Evidence of God Video:
  • Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Why celebrate him? He wasn't a king. Nor wealthy. He didn't overthrow governments or conquer lands, or create anything in the arts or commerce. He was
  • I just asked Jesus into my life (helpful information from StartingwithGod.com follows)… ► I may want to ask Jesus into my life, but I have a question I would like answered first… Video transcript: